Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Summer is here (almost)!

Good to see that warmth is returning to the air and its summer time again!
And along with the arrival of summer, it is good see new, fresh and very good templates/themes being made available from blogger!
My previous blog template was good but was breaking and it was time to change it - what a timing from blogger in releasing the new templates!
So to reflect the joy in the air, I have changed the template on my blog to be more cheerful!
If you have a blogger/blogspot blog, do check out the new templates!

With the new template, the Tag Cloud widget stopped working so I had to re-install it. If you face a similar problem, then check out the creator phydeaux3 blog page on this here. Only thing that I did not like about this widget is that it shows the current post also in the list of related posts. I feel filtering it should not be such a big task - I hope the creator can take note of this and implement it at the earliest.

The code was not showing up properly after installing new template - this indicated that the Syntax Highlighter was not working. To re-install it, I referred to the detailed post here.

Apparently, adding the new template broke the Related Posts widget as well, so I had to re-install that as well. Check out the instructions at the the creators' site here.

Note: Please backup your current template locally before doing any such changes. Also you may need to re-install 3rd party widgets as they may not be cleanly supported by these new templates!

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